Canvas Printing

100% pure cotton canvas ideal for reproductions of paintings and photographs

Whether it's one of your favourite photos, a collection of family portraits, a piece of artwork or a carefully curated collage, nothing beats a high-quality canvas print to showcase your memories.

Art Canvas 340gsm - Stretched & Ready to display on your wall

Canvas Reproductions
We take the image you’ve captured on camera - digital file - and using the very latest in photographic printing technology, transform it into a unique boxed canvas to look great in your lounge or just as much at home in your office!

Art Canvas
100% pure cotton canvas ideal for reproductions of paintings and photographs. Gives added value to artwork and images.

Canvas Wrap
Have your canvas wrapped the way you want. Full image with a black or white wrap around or a Gallery wrap, your image is wrapped around the sides.

Canvas Stretcher Bar
A solid wood stretcher bar chopped to any size required, with the options of different depths of 20mm, 30mm and 40mm.

Canvas Coating
We use ArtShield UV Gloss Lustre heat seal laminate. The result is a rich lustrous finish.

Over-painting texture varnish to replicate the brush strokes of the original painting. Gives a semi-glossy effect with a 3D texture. Best used for painting replications on canvas or bonded prints. An additional price is charged for this finish.